Sexy Math

When people say money is not important, they will lie about other things, too! My grandfather was right when he opined, “Figures can lie and liars can figure.”

Sexy MathAs I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to lunch, two women passed by.

Subject of their conversation:
Men and Money

A man had misbehaved over $45 worth of flowers.

When people say money is not important, they will lie about other things, too.

My grandfather was right when he opined, “Figures can lie and liars can figure.” For the last couple of decades, we’ve experienced that in spades. Speaking of cards and the games people play, let’s take a look at the strategy of playing our hand with grace and poise.

There is another four-letter word on the minds of many — Jobs. The debate rages on and on about who creates them and why they disappear. While fingers are pointed and waved at the other guy, the real solution is left waiting for someone to do the Sexy Math of discovery for the answer — Work.

We don’t need Jobs. We simply need people to take their gifts to the marketplace, in the old-fashioned way of providing value. In the vernacular, that delivery process is known as Work.

And — here begins the Sexy Math of the Entrepreneur.

For the sake of conversation, let’s say you need $40,000 for your Family. 40 hours per week for 50 weeks, with a 2 week Family vacation, is a bank of 2,000 productive hours (40 hours times 50 weeks). You’re a talented individual, quite gifted, and extremely intelligent. There is something you can do that has value to others at a minimum rate of $20 per hour ($40,000 divided by 2,000 hours).

Wait ~ There’s more to know about this — before you launch your first business. There is Overhead, which is the price to be paid for the joy of having your very own Company. Again, for the sake of continuing our conversation, let’s acknowledge this amount to be $60,000 — everything from Advertising, Dues, Fees, Insurance, Rent, and Utilities, to the multitude of other costs necessary for your Company.

You still need $40,000 for your Family and this Sexy Math example still has 2,000 Productive hours in a year. What is your minimum target rate to Customers, now, in consideration of Overhead? Answer: $50. Wow — from $20 to $50 in the blink of an eye.

We better pause for a moment to check for any dishonesty in our figures, or presentation. $40,000 (for Family) plus $60,000 (for Overhead) equals $100,000, which, when divided by 2,000 (Productive hours), equals a minimum target rate per hour of $50.

Taxes ~ As model Citizens, we believe in supporting the greater good of all Society. Through the ages, a tithe — 10% — was acknowledged to be adequate for the support of orphans and widows. For the modern builder of dreams into reality (YOU the Entrepreneur) the rates are quite different.

We have a 15.3% Self-employment Tax, a 15% Federal Income Tax, and at least a 5% State Income Tax. That’s a total Tax Rate north of 30%. (Does anyone else see the irony? God asks for 10% and Government demands a minimum of 30%.)

We still need $40,000 for our Families and $60,000 to keep the lights on. Now, what?! How do we do the Sexy Math to determine our Price in the marketplace? CPAs are professionals — trained to do these calculations in a controlled and regulated environment — yet, I want you to practice this at home.

The $40,000 needed for our Families is, now — at best — a 70% slice of the whole pie, because Government helped themselves to a 30% chunk. $40,000 divided by 70% equals $57,143, which, when added to the $60,000 equals $117,143. This is the amount Customers must pay. For those who think by the hour, $58.57 is the new target rate.

Once more, we will pause to check the veracity of our facts and calculations. $117,143 (Customer Price) minus $60,000 (Overhead) equals $57,143, which when multiplied by 30% equals $17,143 (Taxes). This leaves $40,000 for our Family — and, the minimum Rate per Hour for us to provide Value to our Customers has gone from $20 to near $60.

Is anyone brave enough to do the Math (sexy is long gone at this point) for a total Tax Rate above 30%? Even under current law, the unwary Entrepreneur will pay close to 55%. This is comprised of the 15.3% Self-employment Tax (a combination of Social Security and Medicare tax rates) plus 33% Federal Income Tax, plus 7% State Income Tax.

Solution: $40,000 divided by 45% (Our percentage remaining after Government takes 55%) equals $88,888 (Yes, we’re really behind the 8 Ball, now.) which, when added to the $60,000 of support from Vendors equals $148,888. This is the new price, which Customers must pay, to keep us in business and provide for our Families.

For the benefit of any Doubting Thomas (and, my late Grandfather) here’s the Proof: $148,888 (Customer Price) minus $60,000 (Overhead) equals $88,888, which, when multiplied by 55% equals $48,888 (Taxes). This leaves $40,000 for our Family — and, the minimum Rate per Hour for us to provide Value to our Customers has gone from near $60 to about $75 ($148,888 divided by 2,000 Productive Hours).

Every household budget will be different — $40,000 will be adequate for some, not enough for others. The point, though, is that the needs for every Family are real. You pick the amount for yours. It is factual and a fixed amount in the calculations, above. Productive Units (hours in the examples, above) are also relatively fixed. In a stable economy, the amount of Overhead will be relatively fixed, too.

The variable in all of this are Tax Rates. As they increase, so do the Prices on everything. The result of higher prices is that we need a greater amount of money for our Families — and, Vendors need an increasingly larger amount to stay in business. Ultimately, the Price for everything goes Up.

As Pogo so eloquently expresses, “We have seen the enemy and it is US.” Companies don’t pay Taxes. People do. You and I — as Customers — we all pay more for the “free” lunches so generously offered by our Government to those who refuse to Work.

Now, that we’ve done the Math, we can focus on the Sexy part of this equation:

S ~ Success is the most powerful of aphrodisiacs. Much more than the opportunities that money can buy, it is the sense of accomplishment and the desire to share sustenance with another person.

E ~ Enlightenment, Empowerment, and Encouragement can move us to Excellence in all that we do. In the marketplace of Life, those in pursuit of creativity and innovation will always offer a boutique display.

X ~ Marks the spot of opportunity in every direction. Go ahead — do it — mark an X on the ground . Stand right in the center of the intersecting lines and tell me how far you can see in the direction of each line.

Y ~ We’re at the fork in the road. Indecision is not an option. There is no Maybe, or Try, to it. Left — or, Right — is the choice. The decisions we make today will determine the brightness of our tomorrows.

Now that you’ve done the Sexy Math necessary to provide for your Family, please, share this novel idea with others. A category in desperate need of this information is the one of our Politicians. If true that we get the Government we deserve, then, we need to start asking for real Leadership to inspire every one of us to offer our, very, best to others.

The time has come for all of us to — just — do it!

Sexy Math, that is.

School of Thought

The answers discovered today for yesterday’s questions are guaranteed to be wrong for the new opportunities of tomorrow. So, the secret to Success is to begin with a creative thought and make lots of mistakes!

Creative Brain

Asking the right Question is much more important than having all of the right Answers.

At one time in the recent past, the Question: “What is found at the end of freight trains?” was deserving of the Answer: “Caboose”.

For one generation, that fond memory is now an antique safely archived in Railroad museums.

For our current, high-tech, digital generation, the Text message of curiosity to their friends to ask for an explanation might be in the form of “Cab—what?!?”

Question and Answer

Question: Why then do our formal programs of education test for a finite answer to a limited set of questions?

Answer: It is big business to sell the dysfunctional idea that one person has the answer to another’s question.

As a result, we have several generations of gifted and talented individuals waiting to receive guidance for their lives from a clueless academia. No one has the right answers for anyone, else. At best, our educators might be brave enough to explore what is right for one person, themselves.

It is the height of arrogance for anyone to believe they have all of the answers. The most important facets of life cannot be explained by mere mortals. The answers discovered today for yesterday’s questions are guaranteed to be wrong for the new opportunities of tomorrow.

We Learn By Doing the ABC’s

Since we learn by doing and the fun is in the doing, let’s focus on having fun as we learn. The journey to the choice of our individual destinations begins: right here, right now.

In fact, the secret to asking Questions is inherent in the discipline to practice the ABC‘s.

Attitude:  Whether we think we can, or can’t, we’re right. As a creative genius with an 8th Grade formal education, my Dad believed: “If a man made it, I can fix it.” And, he did. Time after time he accomplished the impossible.

Boundaries: Those are the fine lines defining our growth, to date. They are the demarcation between where we end and another begins. Self-respect runs unabated within. Respect is generously offered to those without. Mutually beneficial transactions occur at the border.

Commitment: Choosing one and foregoing all others is the first step to moving forward. Forsaking the un-chosen focuses all energy on the one most important choice. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Creative Thoughts Make MISTAKEs

In our human condition, we will make MISTAKEs.

This is the ultimate Question: aM I Seeking To Ask (and) Knock Effectively? Because, a MIS-take is simply a bulls-eye miss of an opportunity we TAKE.

Intelligent people are always ready to learn and their ears are open for Knowledge. To acquire Wisdom is to love oneself and people who cherish Understanding will prosper.

Life is simply an exercise in practice techniques:
» Amateurs practice until they can get it right.
» Masters practice until they can’t get it wrong.

All we do begins with a creative thought!