Game of Life

We, individually, choose our game – the one we are able and willing to play. By making our choice, we can enjoy the great sport of life.

GamesAs encouragement for those struggling with a daily frustration, I will gently offer, “Just play the hand you’ve been dealt.”

Fairly good idea for these reasons:
• This, too, shall pass.
• Your cards might, actually, be better than anyone else’s at the moment.
• And, the fun is in the doing.

Before we launch off into the actual sport of the game, there is one question which has infinite possibilities, “What is the passion at the core of everything you do?

Your response will be different from mine. Mine will be different from anyone else’s. And, therein, is the secret to the Game of Life.

Each of us has the opportunity to choose the games we play.

Since life is the hand of cards to which we awake each morning, I admire those who play theirs with grace and poise. Strength of will and courage combined with the flexibility of thoughtfulness and humility results in a creativity that trumps bitterness every time.

Does that mean we play the games chosen for us by others? The simple and definitive answer is, “No.”

We, individually, choose our game. The one we are able and willing to play. Unless we choose, everyone will have an idea for us. That’s just a Universal Law of human nature.

Unless you’ve encountered a narcissist — enamored of their own visage in the mirror — each of us spends the day looking outward. As a result, it is so much easier to see the foibles of others and what they should do.

Reality check — Who is the only one within our sphere of control? (Hint: not anyone else.) Yes! The answer is a question:

“What is the passion at the core of everything you do?”

You — Me — One person at a time. We answer that.

Or, do we? Have YOU?

If so, then, you have chosen your game. You have studied the rules. You have engaged the competition. You have failed. You have succeeded. You have grown. You have learned.

You have studied even more — this time much harder. You have discovered what you didn’t know – before. More engagement, more failures, more successes, more growth —  and, now, you’re ready to teach.

Passion drives YOU forward.

Each day it will always be something — some days it’s just nice to know what ‘IT’ is.

Because we thrive on the challenge, nothing can upset or frustrate us. We know and have embraced the premise, “What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.”

Let the games begin!

Author: Kim Foard

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

One thought on “Game of Life”

  1. My grannie always said…”Its done right or it isnt”….she seemed to always direct that to me….as I took a shortcut in digging the long row of potatoes….or didnt find all the calves at night when it was time to count them in…or didnt stack the hay bales correctly to keep them from falling….or a hundred other examples of where I was taught the value of doing things the right way….first ! Life always offers choices….our challenge is knowing that “Its done right”…a belief in family, God, values that make you the person you are. Enjoy each and every moment.

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